Friday, May 28, 2010

3D- Samsung Outdoor company

Samsung gives famous historic Dutch building a new dimension with 3D Projection

English: On Thursday the 20th of May 2010, Samsung was the first to introduce a large-scale commercial 3D-Outdoor projection in the Netherlands, at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. The public was able to view the addition of a new dimension to this historic building. On the adjacent square, visitors are able to try out the new Samsung 3D LED TVs, and are offered a chance to win one of their own every night. Foursquare, YouTube and Dutch Startup are part of the integrated campaign.

Agencies: Starcom & MUSE Amsterdam

Samsung off version:

Full version:

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SureMen Last 8 Sweepstake Machine

To celebrate the launch of its amazing on-pack promotion, SureMen has teamed up with award-winning model maker Andy Gent to create an incredible Rube Goldberg-style football sweepstake machine.

The must-see video - expertly captured in a single take - sees an ordinary football making a complex and dangerous journey past a host of landmarks, respresenting some of the nations competing in South Africa this summer.

Be part of the action this summer and pick up a promotional pack of SureMen 250ml cans. Enter the unique code online at to find out who your team is. If they reach the last eight, you're in the money. And if your team wins, it's £50. So reach for SureMen and score some cash this summer.

via rube goldberg devices video site

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010